Baby, Its Cold Outside! Your 35-Step Home Winterizing Checklist


There’s something wonderful about winter. Imagine curling up in front of the fireplace of your new home with some hot chocolate and a good book. Sounds nice, doesn’t it? Only if you’ve already ticked off all the items on your home winterizing checklist … those cozy, cold-weather vibes only go so far.

If you’re not careful, freezing temperatures can do significant damage to your new home. And there’s nothing like a broken pipe or a leaky basement to kill those winter-wonderland daydreams!

Maria Walley, a top-performing real estate agent in Cincinnati, Ohio, knows all about the toll that winter can take on a home. Her firsthand knowledge, combined with national winter-safe protocols, helped us compile this comprehensive winterization checklist.

Don’t let winter ruin your new home. We’ll guide you through best practices to keep your home functioning as the year-round haven you always wanted it to be.

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