Sandringham launches programme for retiring advisers | Mortgage Introducer


The programme is a proposition designed for advisers retiring from their profession who want to ensure minimal upheaval and impact to their clients whilst also being well-remunerated in their retirement.

The Partner Acquisition Programme which, following soft-launch already has two Sandringham partners on their retirement journey, delivers a financial option for retiring advisers by providing advisers with an ongoing fee, both at and in retirement.

The programme requires a two-year lead time between the adviser engaging in the proposition and wholly retiring.

This is to provide the adviser with time to inform their clients of the change and ensure the process is handled smoothly on all sides.

In addition to receiving 100% of income at retirement, the adviser will continue to receive ongoing income over the course of the three years post retiring.

This scales from 75% one year after completion, to 50% after two years with a final payment of 25% three years after completion.

While many retiring advisers face mass asset migration for their clients who need to re-platform upon their adviser’s retirement, one of the strengths of the Partner Acquisition Programme is the manner in which the assets of retiring advisers’ clients are handled.

Rather than causing upheaval transitioning a portfolio to a mandated investment solution, the clients’ investments can now be left in situ where appropriate, ensuring a consistent experience for clients.

Tim Sargisson (pictured), chief executive of Sandringham Financial Partners, said: “The sad irony of the advice profession is that many advisers spend their lives ensuring their clients are well-prepared to enjoy a financially secure retirement but fail to similarly prepare themselves.

“This is perhaps unsurprising given the current dearth of appealing options for an adviser considering retirement, many of whom must choose between a disruptive transition for their clients or a reduced remuneration package.

“The Partner Acquisition Programme has been borne out of the need to properly and fairly remunerate retiring advisers whilst also ensuring that their client relationships, which have been so carefully developed over the years, are properly protected.

“Thanks to our excellent infrastructure, technology and dedicated Sandringham advisers, we are able to deliver a robust proposition which has both clients’ and advisers’ needs at its core.”