Is your mortgage rate the best you can get?


Just like a health check, reviewing your mortgage annually can help you uncover any issues before they become serious. It’s a chance to check that you’re getting the best deal on the market. And if not, it provides some alternative financial solutions. If your fixed loan term is nearing its end or your circumstances have changed recently, there’s no better time to plan a mortgage review and decide whether to refinance, refix or revert.

1. RefinanceRefinancing is a good option if your lender’s interest rate is no longer competitive and there are lower interest rate deals available, as in the current property market environment. If your fixed rate loan term is due to expire, this could be the best time to refinance and secure a much lower rate. If you choose to refinance you can do this either with your existing lender or with a new lender. A Mortgage Express adviser can assist you with some options as we work with a panel of lenders and can help you identify a lending solution to fit your needs.It may make more sense to refinance to a split loan with a portion of your loan remaining fixed while the other portion moves to a variable rate loan. This means you have some stability in terms of repayments while still being able to pay down extra on the variable portion without any penalties.When refinancing, it’s important you compare not just interest rates but loan features too, and whether your loan term will be on a fixed interest rate or a variable interest rate as this can drastically impact your long-term financial obligations. Here again, our advisers are experienced at helping you weigh up the pros and cons of each loan solution. 2. RefixSome homeowners choose to “set and forget” believing this to be the best option. You can choose to refix your home loan with your current lender if your lender allows this and you would roll over your existing home loan to a new term.The biggest disadvantage to doing this is that you could potentially be missing out on far better deals as you won’t qualify for any special offers your lender may be advertising to new home loan customers. If you are considering selling your home or you have some renovations planned, refixing your home loan may not be your best option. Similarly, if your income has increased and you’d like to pay in a lump sum or increase your repayments, refixing your loan won’t suit.3. RevertWhen your loan term ends, your home loan may revert to a much higher interest rate if you don’t choose to refinance or refix. This can happen without any paperwork and you may not even be aware of the change until you have to make a higher repayment. Even a one per cent rise in your interest rate can set you back thousands of dollars and years added onto your mortgage, so it’s important you take action by either refinancing or refixing your home loan.

If you’re unsure which option would best suit your situation, talk to a Mortgage Express adviser. We’ll help you identify a financial solution and assist you with refinancing or refixing your home loan.


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