Harpenden revamps self-build mortgage products | Mortgage Strategy


Harpenden Building Society has reduced rates on its self-build mortgage product offering.

Loans of between £75,000 and £999,999 are now available at a rate of 3.69%, while a rate of 4.19% now applies to mortgage borrowing between £1m and £2m.

Rates of 4.39% previously applied on self-build premium and standard products.

The products are open to flexible construction types, dependent on valuer comments.

The society says it has seen an increase in enquiries for self-build mortgages following the pandemic.

Harpenden mortgage sales manager Craig Middleton says: “Customers are looking to secure a dream property more than ever following significant time spent working and socialising at home during Covid. Property shows aired on TV during lockdown have also clearly inspired ‘would-be ‘self-builders too.

“We’re finding customers increasingly want to bring a highly personalised look to their new or enhanced properties, making a self-build project particularly appealing.

“As a specialist provider our team anticipate increased applications, particularly with the new, improved product now live.”

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