#HOMEHacks | 7 Guest Bedroom Tips for a Comfortable Home Away From Home | HOME Real Estate Blog


The guest bedroom: It’s a space you probably don’t think much about—until visitors book a stay. While your friends and family will likely be perfectly content with a comfortable bed and your good company, there are a few thoughtful touches that can help elevate their stay.

Here is how you can go the extra mile when visitors come from miles away to see you…

Offer options to stay cozy or cool:

When it comes to preferred sleeping temperature, everyone seems to have different opinions. By stocking the guest bedroom with plenty of blankets for layering as well as a fan to cool it off, your houseguests can keep comfortable no matter the thermostat setting.

Answer some FAQs:

To avoid spelling out your strange WiFi password for every visitor, consider including that on a printed FAQs sheet. You can also offer helpful info like where extra towels are stored, what they can do with linens at the end of the stay and more. You have better things to discuss with them than housekeeping, after all!

Back up commonly forgotten essentials:

For anyone who has ever forgotten their own toothbrush when traveling can attest, it’s sure nice when you don’t have to run out to the store at 9 p.m. to get a new one. Stock up on some new toiletries you can pass along, such as disposable razors, make-up removing wipes and chapstick.

Include some light reading material:

As much as you might like to show off your collection of novels, guests probably won’t have time to make it through War and Peace. Instead, keep some magazines that are easy enough to flip through on the bedside table. For bonus points, grab some local editions that can give them some ideas of things to do during the visit.

Set up a convenient charging station:

Rather than make guests get down on hands and knees to plug a charger into wall outlet beneath the bed, set up a more accessible charging station with an extra power outlet and USB-adapter.

Make some space:

Especially if you have extended-stay guests, make sure there is room available in a dresser or closet so they can stay organized while unpacking. If they also have to share a bathroom with you or the kids, do a double take to ensure there is a spare towel hook and space on the counter for their toiletries.

Think about extra touches you like:

Are you the type who needs white noise to sleep? Do your kindred spirits a solid by having a spare white noise machine in the guest bedroom. Or if you can never find a water bottle when you need one, stock up a few on the bedside table. The bottom line is that if it’s a space you would appreciate, your guests surely will, too.