Questions that help us evaluate our real estate careers


Here are 5 powerful reflection questions for every real estate professional: 

1) Who are the real estate professionals who you've grown to admire and respect? And what are the traits that describe them? And what do your answers to these two questions tell you about yourself? 

2) What are the aspects of your current approach to real estate that "don't feel right" to you and are not a good fit for your unique personality?  

3) If you were to practice real estate in a manner that inspires you and motivates you (in a way that "feels right"), what would that look like? 

4) We can't possibly appeal to everyone, so given this, how would you describe your ideal client? 

5) How does knowing your ideal client inform your daily approach to real estate? 

The beauty of these questions is that the answers are unique for each of us. And when we give ourselves the time we need to reflect on them, we give ourselves permission to grow into a new and truer direction. A direction that "feels right". A direction that gives us an opportunity to enjoy a more meaningful and a more prosperous career