Interesting Facts About Halloween


This weekend is Halloween, the day where everyone dresses up in their favorite costumes, attends Halloween parties and go door to door to collect all the candy they can get. Halloween is not just about the candy and the costumes; the spooky holiday is actually centuries old.

Here are some interesting facts about Halloween that you might not have known.

Trick-or-Treating existed since Medieval Times: It was known as Guising in Scotland and Ireland when young people would dress up and go door to door for money in exchange for songs, poems, or other treats.

Skittles are the Top Halloween Candy in the United States and the top Halloween candy in the State of Florida according to Reader’s Digest.

Halloween is the second largest commercial holiday in America: Coming in second behind Christmas. Last year, consumers spent approximately $9 billion dollars on Halloween last year. Which means the average American spend about $86 dollars on Halloween every year.

This Halloween will be the first Halloween in 19 years to have a full moon. Full Moons on Halloween are rare and this year, the month of October will have two full moons, making the full moon on Halloween night a rare Blue Moon.

Illinois produces up to five times more pumpkins than any other state: More than 15,000 acres of land are dedicated to harvesting pumpkins according to the United States Department of Agriculture. The farms typically grow more than 500 million pounds of pumpkins each year.

Candy Corn was originally called Chicken Feed

The Irish brought us Jack-O’-Lanterns. The Irish used to carve out turnips, potatoes, and beets. Once Halloween became popular in America, pumpkins were easier to carve and pumpkins were used instead.

Halloween goes back more than 2,000 years: The holiday started as a pre-Christian Celtic festival called Samhain, meaning summers end, and was held around the first of November. Its celebrated the final day of the harvest and the crossings of spirits all over the world. The people would dress up in costumes and have bonfires to ward off any ghosts.

Pumpkins grow almost everywhere. Pumpkins are grown on six of the seven continents including Alaska. The only continent where pumpkins cannot grow is Antarctica.

The world’s heaviest pumpkin weighted over 2,600 pounds. The largest pumpkin was grown in Germany and was presented in October 2016.

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