Simple Ways to Provide a VIP Client Experience (Even Virtually)


When competition is stiff, and technology is automating services left and right – what makes you stand apart from the rest? Providing a VIP, white-glove client experience that will leave a lasting impression. It is important to never forget that you are in the service industry! The experience your clients have will make or break your sphere of influence, and amazing experiences can build the foundation for a lasting, thriving business.

“Always deliver more than expected.” – Larry Page, Co-founder of Google

1. Reach Out During Milestones


Have you ever received a handwritten birthday card from your dentist? Or and holiday card from your veterinarian? It may seem simple, but those little gestures can go a long way. As an agent, you are taking part in one of the most important decisions in your clients’ lives, and you end up spending quite a bit of time getting to know them during their home buying journey. Reaching out to show that you care, will make them feel appreciated, and will provide a lasting impression.

Pro Tip! Facebook Lists will make this process so much easier. Simply organize all of your clients into a Facebook List. You can break it down even further, by grouping them into “Prospects,” “Current Clients,” and “Past Clients.” Once they’re grouped into lists, you can click on a specific list, and see only the “news” from those people. This way you can easily keep up with milestones such as birthdays, graduations, newborns, etc.

Here are a few ideas to get you started:

  • Handwritten birthday cards
  • Flowers once a closing has gone through
  • A bag of treats for a new pet
  • Congratulations card for a new job or baby
  • Quick phone call to check-in a few months down the road. “Just wanted to see how you’re settling in!”

    2. Listen & Ask Questions


    For you, the process of buying a home is routine. You’ve walked clients through it time and time again, and you’ve smoothed your process into a nicely packaged formula. For a first time homebuyer, however, it’s a totally different story.


    We know you’re busy. And of course, you don’t have time to spend hours talking to every client, but don’t underestimate the importance of listening and communicating. Hear them out when they’re describing their perfect home. Ask questions, and genuinely listen when they discuss their concerns, preferences, hopes and fears. At the end of the day, the agent who listens, is the agent a client is going to trust and recommend to their friends and family.

      Particularly, right now as the COVID-19 pandemic unfolds, fears and uncertainty about the right move and the state of the housing market are plaguing your clients’ decision-making. You can be that source of comfort by hearing their concerns and providing trusted sources of information to help guide them in their process.  

    3. Anticipate Their Needs


    Being in the right place at the right time for your clients and leads is critical. (It’s what will set you apart and help you close the deal.) But it’s not always easy keeping tabs on the hundreds, potentially thousands and tens of thousands of leads in your database. So be sure to leverage your technology to help you stay in front of leads and clients at the right time.


    How to Stay Ahead

  • Set up every lead with eAlerts (automated emails that will send hand-picked listings based on their search history
  • Utilize Smart Drip campaigns to automate personalized messages using insights from your CRM
  • Be ready with information and OVER-communicate. Especially during a time when the market is in flux and buyers and sellers may be on the fence.
  • Have a clear process from the beginning and set expectations along the way. The worst experience is when you’re unsure of next steps and you feel in the dark.
  • 4. Respect Their Time (And Give Them Some of Yours)


    What is the most valuable currency in the world? Time. Disrespecting someone else’s time is a surefire way to come across as aloof and disorganized. Of course, life happens. (This is where the good communication comes in!) Always be honest and upfront with your clients. If you are running late, or have to reschedule an appointment, let them know as soon as possible, and apologize.


    Even during sheltering in place & social distancing, we all still seem to fill our calendars with appointments. Whether you’re at home with kids or struggling to find some quiet office space, try to prioritize time-blocking to avoid being late.

    Tips for being on time:

  • Be clear about location, and check your GPS ahead of time. (Always plan for traffic!)
  • Be thorough (to the minute!) with your Google calendar.
  • Have a desk calendar or physical planner in addition to your phone. (Google reminders can catch you off guard. Out of sight out of mind. But a desk calendar or planner will be in your line of sight all day.)
  • Synchronize all of your devices to the same time.
  • Set boundaries and expectations for appointments. If a meeting is rolling on, you’ll be able to say, “I have a hard stop at 2pm.”
  • Running a Little Behind? Find out how to free up 36 hours using email Smart Drip Campaigns.

    4. A Little Compassion Goes a Long Way


    Excellent customer service is always critical. But now, it’s time to go that extra mile.


    Good old fashioned friendliness will never go out of style. Be the agent who brightens a client’s day. Be the agent who goes the extra mile to make a stressful process feel a little less stressful. A great way to make sure you are providing a friendly experience, is to work it into your core values or mission statement. Whether you are a single agent, or you work with a team, being kind should always be a priority.


    It’s tough to be friendly when you’re feeling stressed or overwhelmed! Take the necessary steps during the day to ensure that you’re calm, collected, and enjoying yourself. Agents spend a lot of time in the car! When you’re on your way to an appointment with a client, put on your favorite podcast, album, or audiobook, and allow yourself to have a few brief minutes of “you time.” Additionally, exercise and a healthy diet are natural energy-boosters and can help keep your mood elevated all day.


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