Where We Are Now: August 17, 2020


Our Amazing Professional Staff – Heroic

6:10AM PST

Morning Team –

I am in Jackson Hole, WY for a few weeks of work and play – SIP gives a few liberties of where we work but it certainly does not seem to reduce the workload. I know how hard each and every one of you are working to fulfill the dreams of our clients’ homes. I am in deep gratitude for all your individual and team efforts.

Saturday evening, we attended the Jackson Hole Rodeo – performed every Wednesday, Friday and Saturday evenings in the summer season. It’s been 10+ years since I have been to a rodeo, but we enjoyed every minute and bought tickets for another two rodeos. I’ll bet we have a few people on our team that are former rodeo competitors vs. spectators. Who are you?

The evening started with a tribute to the great state of Wyoming, a horseback parade of the US flag, the singing of the star-spangled banner only to be followed by some words from the MC. He talked about our US Armed Forces, maybe he is a veteran. It was touching in a way I had not heard before. The sacrifices they make – sometimes the ultimate sacrifice!

He finished with a statement that was powerful to me. We are free because of the brave!

His message caused me to reflect on a call we had last Wednesday with our professional staff. They are the backbone of our business much like the Armed Forces of our freedom.

In late March 2020, just after SIP, we had an all employee call to organize around our Path Forward. Scary times for sure. During this call we asked all employees to take a 20 percent reduction in compensation for, at minimum, April and May. To a person, everyone agreed and responded to contribute. Our promise was to report back to our professional team in mid-May on how our business was responding and could we return to full compensation on June 1?

Indeed, as promised, in late May we had another all professional staff call. It was emotional for sure. As we had promised and expected, we returned our entire professional team to full compensation. On Wednesday, last week we had yet another all professional staff call and announced the repayment of the entire 20 percent compensation they had sacrificed. This was paid to our team on Friday last week.

We also asked them all to have dinner on us Friday night – a simple gesture of appreciation – they ordered take out from their local restaurant of choice – on us!

I share this with all of you as I doubt you ever saw 80 percent performance; you likely saw 110 percent performance. Our professional staff is nothing short of amazing. I am hopeful, when you get a moment that you share a simple text, call, elbow bump or the like with our professional staff.

We could not achieve the records being set without them. I know you appreciate them every day. This past week was special as we were able to fulfill a promise we made in March in the thick of a very scary time.

I am in awe of our team.

This is Where We Are Now!



Mark A McLaughlin

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