Chasing Frozen Waterfalls in Central Oregon


Paulina Creek in Late Fall Worth Seeing

We have hiked the Peter Skene Ogden trail many times, but we never tire of doing this when the weather turns cold.  Paulina Creek freezes and the multiple waterfalls along the trail turn into beautiful works of art with ice sculpted into interesting shapes. The sounds of the running water are also muffled when the ice gets deeper and the quiet and isolation of the hike will amaze. On November 26, 2022 we hiked Peter Skene Ogden trail from McKay Crossing campground up Paulina Creek planning on going as far as the early snow permitted.  We we pleased to find we could trek the entire way to Paulina Falls using our micro spikes as the trail was icy; the deepest snow was roughly a foot in a shadowed gully roughly 2/3 of the way to Paulina Falls. During the hike we enjoyed total privacy with no other hikers seen the entire day. But the views of the partly frozen waterfalls were lovely and the 13 miles in and out were well worth the experience.  We highly recommend this hike in the winter, but be prepared for deep snow as the season progresses.