Beckie and Elis business expansion is a natural fit


Congratulations to our clients Beckie and Eli, who recently closed on a beautiful property so they can expand their Montessori school and childcare offerings starting this fall! This is the second time that agent Chris Venden has helped the couple secure additional real estate for their growing business on Madison’s far east side. 

The stars seemed to align over the last 7 years for all of these adjacent properties near Milwaukee St and Sprecher Rd, in part because each of the neighbors wanted their 5-acre parcels to remain wild, natural spaces as opposed to being developed when they decided to sell. Beckie and Eli share that philosophy when it comes to their educational programs, which “focus on a natural environment and the natural growth and development of children.” Each time they contacted Chris, she was immediately prepared to show the properties, write strong offers, and negotiate in order to make their dreams a reality.

“Chris helped us every step of the way and we got exactly what we needed so that we can help our families, who are all very outdoor- and nature-focused,” Beckie said. “Now we have a full 15 acres, lots of beautiful wildlife, orchards, an apiary, very berry area, monarch and nature trails, a spruce forest where owls nest, and space for gardening. We knew it was meant to be.”

The north end of the connected property on Rustic Dr features a duplex they bought with Chris’s help in 2015 that has been converted to four classrooms for Blooming Grove Montessori, which serves children up to 12 years old. Two years later, they expanded their campus by purchasing the middle parcel that features a shed (now a nature center) and garden spaces. This year they bought the 2,600 sq. ft. 2-story home with Chris’s help on the southern parcel, which will become Toad Hill Toddler House. The Blooming Grove duplex will serve elementary school children since the layout of the 2-story building meets childcare licensing requirements for youngsters. 

Chris said she’s been in awe of this inspiring couple’s vision for their properties, especially the duplex that was dated and needed to be renovated. “I attended an open house after it was completely finished and was in awe of how they transformed it! I wish I could have gone to a school like that!” she said.

Beckie said that they also hope to involve master gardeners from their community to make placards for a botanical garden space near the 2-story building, as well as create a community garden space for their families and the neighbors. Those are just some of the many places the elementary school kids can do research and make observations without leaving the properties. For example, the children already host a farmers market during pickup times on Mondays by selling flower arrangements, herbs, fruits, and vegetables, and plantain salve for bug bites made from beeswax. 

We are excited for Beckie and Eli, and can’t wait to see what unfolds for their Montessori families, neighbors, and wildlife!