How AI can make lending objective, according to a tech leader


In grade school, Sara Knochel already showed signs of turning into a future computer scientist thanks to a developing interest in math and languages.

In the years since, Knochel has applied those skills in an effort to help deliver solutions to some of the thorniest problems the mortgage industry is confronting today.

Her computer science degree led to an initial job at Loanperformance, which was later acquired by Corelogic, and eventually to her current leadership role at Candor Technology. But in between, Knochel earned an MBA, which drove her to other opportunities in financial services, where she saw how data analytics could be used in tracking loan performance across various segments. 

The expertise initially brought her to Alpharetta, Georgia-based Candor as a consultant in 2018, and today, she serves as both chief operating officer and chief of staff.

Knochel spoke with National Mortgage News recently to discuss how the wealth of data the industry has today can be used to help mortgage lenders make accurate and bias-free decisions, while also addressing concerns the industry might have with trust in technology.

The interview has been edited for clarity and length.