Almost three-quarters of self-employed applicants find lender: MBT | Mortgage Strategy


There is at least one lender on the market that can meet the loan requirements of a self-employment mortgage applicant in almost three-quarters of all cases, according to data search firm Mortgage Broker Tools.

It says 71 per cent of self-employed cases processed through its MBT affordability gap online tools were affordable in January. It adds that 27 per cent were deemed to be unaffordable based on the loan amount asked for by the client, while lenders were unable to lend on just 2 per cent of cases.

The average maximum loan offered to self-employed mortgage applicants was £221,400 last month, a fall of just over 3 per cent from its peak last August.

The minimum average loan available to this group jumped to £118,800 in January, a 45 per cent increase on its lowest point last April.

However, the data firm adds “it is still markedly more difficult for self-employed customers to achieve their requested loan size than employed customers”.

Its research points out that 71 per cent of self-employed cases were found to be affordable by lenders. By comparison, across the whole of the market, 80 per cent of cases were affordable in January, up from 76 per cent in December.

It adds there was at least one lender able to meet the loan requirements of 86 per cent of first-time buyers and 86 per cent of remortgage customers, while 82 per cent of home mover cases were affordable.

Mortgage Broker Tools chief executive Tanya Toumadj says: “The latest MBT affordability gap data confirms that it is more difficult for self-employed clients to achieve their requested loan size, but that it is still possible, with the right research.

“There is a clear warning for brokers within the data. On the cases where there were no options available based on affordability, the difference between the loan requested and maximum loan offered was 25 per cent and this is the highest level we have known in any category since records began.”

Toumadj adds: “For brokers who only try one or two lenders, this can give a false impression that they will not be able to achieve the required loan amount, even though the data says they probably will be able to do so if they shop around.

“This is why whole of market affordability research is essential in helping brokers secure the best outcomes for their clients, especially self-employed clients where calculations can be more complex and more varied.”

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